Qien’s Reflection Notes

Chapter 1

Sharing the basic information and rough plot of “Stories from the South of the City” and reading “Huian Hall” together. We discussed the literary techniques and plot development used in the story.

Here is a summary and plot outline that Xiaoyu created:

In the late 1920s, Lin Yingzi, a little girl, lived in a small alley in the south of the city. She made a friend, Xiuzhen, a “mad” woman who was searching for her daughter at the alley entrance. Xiuzhen’s daughter, Xiaoguizi, was abandoned by her family and left at the outskirts of the city. Yingzi felt deep sympathy for her. After helping Xiuzhen reunite with her daughter, she took Xiaoguizi to find her father but tragically died under the wheels of a train.


Through reading this chapter, I deeply felt the profound impact of the characters’ psychological changes and the tragic development on the readers. When reading together with Xiaoyu, we engaged in in-depth discussions. Xiaoyu mentioned that if she were Lin Yingzi and knew what would ultimately happen, she might not have allowed Xiuzhen to reunite with her daughter. This sparked our thoughts on character choices, fate, and foresight.

We unanimously agreed that we don’t have the ability to foresee life. We cannot predict future developments in advance. Although Lin Yingzi may not have anticipated the tragic ending when helping Xiuzhen reunite with her daughter, she still chose to assist them and did her best. This also led us to contemplate the importance of making choices in life. Even if we cannot foresee the outcome, we should still strive to pursue and help others.

Chapter 2

“We’re Going to See the Sea”

Here is a summary and plot outline that Xiaoyu created:

In the second chapter, the protagonist Xiaoyingzi accidentally encounters a thief. To cover up her own identity, Xiaoyingzi starts collecting scrap and frequently hides in the grass. She discovers that the thief is doing this job to support his family and send his younger brother to school. Although she vaguely senses his true identity, after several interactions with him, her intuition tells her that he is not a bad person. They develop a special connection and understanding. This experience deepens Xiaoyingzi’s understanding of the cruelty of society and the reality of poverty.


The plot of this chapter reveals the hardships and difficult choices faced by people in the lower strata of society. Xiaoyu and I discussed the impact that living conditions can have on a person’s behavior and values. Behind every seemingly criminal act, there is a story and motive. The unfairness and poverty in society force people to make choices that may seem incomprehensible, and they should not be simply labeled as bad people. Xiaoyu believes that this story reminds us to pay more attention to the issues faced by people in the lower strata of society. We should also empathize with them and understand some of their mistakes.

Chapter 3

“Aunt Lan”

Here is a summary and plot outline that Xiaoyu created:

Aunt Lan was sold to a family at a young age and suffered from abuse. Later, she was taken to Beijing and married a 68-year-old man when she was 20 years old. She continued to endure mistreatment and eventually escaped from there. She later arrived at Yingzi’s house, disrupting their peaceful life. Yingzi harbored hostility towards Aunt Lan. A revolutionary youth named Dexian took refuge in Yingzi’s house and developed a romantic relationship with Aunt Lan. Due to the tense situation in Beijing, Aunt Lan and Dexian decided to go to Tianjin and Shanghai. Yingzi’s family eventually returned to a peaceful life.


After reading, Xiaoyu expressed great sorrow for Aunt Lan’s experiences. At the same time, together we gained knowledge and learned about stories from the revolutionary era, which added tension and tragedy to the story. The sacrifices made by the young revolutionaries illustrate the cost of pursuing justice and freedom. We also discussed how people cope with the difficulties of life and strive for freedom and happiness during turbulent times. Xiaoyu also shared her own definition of happiness: being able to live peacefully with family or the people one wants to live with, free from disturbances. I was delighted to see Xiaoyu developing her own new ideas!

Chapter 4

“Rolling Donkey”

A sentence that Xiaoyu really likes:

“He used a rope to tie the branches together so that the oleander tree wouldn’t be so scattered. He nailed the trumpet flowers on the high wall with small ropes. The morning sun shone on the wall, and the trumpet flowers bloomed, but it wasn’t morning yet, and a few trumpet flowers had already withered.”

Here is a summary and plot outline that Xiaoyu created:

Wangma has a son and a young daughter. When her daughter was still very young, she left her hometown to work as a nanny in Yingzi’s house. Wangma’s husband is a gambler, and he secretly gave their daughter away to someone else. Later, Wangma’s son tragically drowned. Wangma takes Yingzi with her to inquire about the whereabouts of her lost daughter. Wangma buys a pastry called “Rolling Donkey” for Yingzi, but unfortunately, Wangma never finds her little daughter.


The character of Wangma vividly portrays her suffering and helplessness. She leaves her hometown for a livelihood but experiences her husband’s gambling and the loss of her children, causing her immense pain. It reflects the helplessness and powerlessness of women in the lower strata of society. At the same time, I shared with Xiaoyu some of the discussions we had previously about the status of women in marriage and the devastation and negative impact that war brings to women in marital life. Xiaoyu showed a profound understanding and connected it with a picture book she had read, demonstrating her insightful thinking.

Chapter 5

“Dad’s Flower Has Fallen”

A sentence that Xiaoyu really likes:

“Yingzi, don’t be afraid. No matter how difficult things are, as long as you face them head-on, you will overcome them.”

Here is a summary and plot outline that Xiaoyu created:

Yingzi has finally graduated from elementary school. She is excited to go on stage as the student representative to receive her graduation certificate, which is also her father’s expectation. However, her father falls seriously ill and cannot attend Yingzi’s graduation ceremony. When Yingzi returns home with her certificate, she learns that her father has passed away. The sudden bad news deeply saddens Yingzi, and she feels the immense pain of losing her father. At the same time, Yingzi realizes that she can no longer rely on her father’s presence and must become an independent individual.


Xiaoyu is now able to combine all the experiences that Yingzi went through and express her own thoughts. Life often presents unpredictable changes and challenges, and we must gradually grow up and learn to face these difficulties. The experience of her father’s passing becomes an important turning point in Yingzi’s path of growth, making her understand the hardships of life and the importance of bravely facing adversity and challenges. Xiaoyu also shares her own reflections, believing that people should bravely live their own lives and not be afraid of setbacks.